Monday, June 21, 2010

Nothing can Move

From the Mind of Alexander

I still recall the sadness in your eyes
Scared and confused, wounded by your lies
Still I see our picture in the frame
I loved you, but I never knew you
A relationship lost in shame
People always stare into my face
The ghost of a man lost in another place
A place he can never call a home
Inside, I have everyone, but still I'm so alone
So where does this leave me?
What is there to hold?
When a heat of love stops beating
And a man loses his soul?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Kindness of Strangers

The kindness of strangers
Seems a strange
And unpredictable thing
To rely upon.

Shifting moods
and changing circumstances

The storm of rage
Floods with salty tears
And agonizing screams
From throughout the ages.

But after the storm passes
A ray of light pierces
The murky horizon.

I lift my head
To the sky.
Raindrops dapple
My upturned face.

A rainbow arcs across the sky -
The marriage of light and liquid.
The destruction of the storm
Is required in order to bring
Nature's art into creation.

Each hue runs distinctly
Through the sky
Since time immemorial
Its diverse unity
Has inspired the human
Heart and Spirit.

And I remember.

You are Here.
You are Me.
I am Here.
Now and Forever.

Thank you stranger.